Ways to give
your workplace
or Foundation
Recurring donations are incredibly valuable for an organisation’s sustainability. This is also a great option if you only have a little bit to give - your contribution becomes more significant over time.
Why stop at one? You can create your own portfolio of giving by setting up regular donations to a number of organisations.
There are plenty of places to find great organisations to donate to online. As a start, Australian Communities Foundation has a Giving Platform that allows you to browse through organisations seeking donations and filter by your areas of interest, and Australians Investing in Women has a Project Portal that showcases organisations working to support women and girls.
Workplace giving is a great way to give as donations are typically deducted from your salary before tax, lowering your taxable income. When donations are set up this way they’re sent straight to the charity before your wages hit your bank account.
Many organisations also offer workplace giving incentives, like matching employees’ donations to their chosen charities, or to charities the business has identified - so there’s potential to leverage your impact by unlocking additional support from your employer.
Learn more about workplace giving from Workplace Giving Australia.
This means, instead of giving directly to charity organisations, you give into a Fund (also called a Named Fund, sub fund or Donor Advised Fund) or Private Foundation (also called a Private Ancillary Fund). This allows you to give when it makes the most sense from a tax and financial perspective, and decide which charities to support later with grants from your Fund or Foundation. The balance (or corpus) of your Fund or Foundation is also invested, so you have more to give over time.
These structures can enable a more planned, strategic approach at scale. They also make it easier to maintain a clear view of your giving activity and impact, engage the next generation of your family or group in giving, and give anonymously or create a clear public identity for your giving beyond you as an individual.
There are a number of factors that go into deciding whether a Fund or Foundation is right for your giving.
Learn more about Funds and Foundations from Australian Communities Foundation, Australian Philanthropic Services or your Professional Adviser. She Gives' resident Philanthropy Expert is also available to provide free advice and referral for women considering setting up a fund or foundation - yet another She Gives gift to you! You can get in touch to arrange a consultation.
Philanthropy Australia also has a publicly available Structured Giving Tool designed to help you think through the best way to give based on your intentions.